• 2023-09-04

My Geetham Experience

I am an ardent admirer of South Indian cuisine, and the cuisine’s simplicity and wholesomeness resonate with me deeply. Having lived in Mumbai all my life, I found myself yearning for authentic taste of dosas accompanied by various coconut chutneys and sambar. Though there are a handful of excellent South Indian restaurants in Mumbai, I would usually satisfy my cravings through my neighbors, an old Tamilian couple with whom I spent most of my formative years. 

My beloved Usha paati, true to her heritage, would make dosa batter from scratch by meticulously pounding rice on the stone mill for hours. It is because of her mastery of South Indian dishes that my culinary horizons were broadened beyond dosas and chutneys. Her extensive repertoire of dishes, such as avial, rasam, kuzhi paniyaram, curd rice, and more, opened my eyes to a diverse culinary culture that I had previously been unaware of. I have such wonderful memories from that time when Mum and I would be elated to taste her wonderful dishes each time she brought something over. It was this culinary exchange between the two families that opened up an entire world of South Indian cuisine for me. 

When I moved to Chennai about three years ago, I was relieved and elated to discover that I no longer had to scour the city for authentic South Indian cuisine as Geetham was conveniently located right next door. This restaurant holds a special place in my heart, as it was also where my parents first savored the truly authentic flavors of South Indian fare, thanks to their scrumptious meals on offer. As someone who typically struggles to finish an entire South Indian thali solo, I am amazed at how Geetham’s delectable meals consistently leave me licking my fingers and plate clean! 

Upon entering any Geetham outlet, the first thing that strikes you is the lively ambiance. The restaurant is filled with the infectious energy of its vibrant crowd, buzzing with conversation and laughter. As I settled into my seat, I couldn’t help but marvel at the grace and agility with which the staff managed the bustling crowd. They glided from table to table, taking orders with poise and efficiency, all while maintaining a warm and welcoming demeanor. 

As my meal arrived, I was immediately struck by the aroma and presentation of the dishes. The colors and textures of the food were as tantalizing as their fragrances, and I found myself eagerly diving in. The food was simply divine, and I was amazed at how each dish managed to surpass the last in terms of flavor and authenticity. No meal is complete without indulging in a steaming cup of Geetham’s renowned filter coffee! 

Amidst the flurry of activity and the delicious meals before me, I felt a sense of contentment and joy. Dining at Geetham is never just a culinary experience, but an adventure – filled with the buzz of conversation, the clink of cutlery, fresh aromas of filter coffee and the delightful taste of various cuisines they offer. 

The culinary prowess of Geetham has left a lasting impression on me since I had that first bite of their extremely delicious onion rava dosa and sambar. It has become my go-to for whenever I am in the mood for some tasty dosas, rava kesari or any other traditionally South Indian fare. Its offerings never fail to satiate my palate, and I hold this establishment in high regard. 

As Anthony Bourdain rightly pointed out, 

“Good food is very often, even most often, simple food.”

It is a rarity to come across a restaurant that is equally adept at serving simple yet flavorful dishes as well as more elaborate, multi cuisine fare with the same fervor and panache.

Dosa for Every Mood.

Alexa, Play ‘Dosai ஆசை Yaarai Vitadhoo!” Who doesn’t love a Moru Moru Dosa which is served with some piping hot sambar & chutney!

My Geetham Experience

I am an ardent admirer of South Indian cuisine, and the cuisine’s simplicity and wholesomeness resonate with me deeply.

The Sambar Saga.

South Indian cuisine is renowned for its flavors, fragrant spices, and deep-rooted culinary traditions,